Lets talk Trailers!!

TRAILERS – When it comes to the regulations governing trailers, particularly when comparing Spain and the UK. Here’s a breakdown of the basics:

Trailer Classification: In Spain, trailers are categorized based on weight, distinguishing between those below 750kg and those exceeding this limit.

Small Trailers (Remolque Ligero):

  • Spain: Trailers weighing less than 750kg do not require registration but must prominently display the towing vehicle’s number plate at the rear. Additionally, they must feature certified number plates and lights that synchronize with the towing vehicle’s actions.
  • UK: The regulations are similar in requiring proper lighting and plate display, but the specifics may vary slightly.

Large Trailers (Remolque Pesado), Including Caravans:

  • Spain: Trailers exceeding 750kg must be registered as separate vehicles, possessing their own “Permiso de Circulación” (log book) and a distinctive red registration plate displayed at the rear. Insurance is mandatory for such trailers, along with periodic ITV (Inspección Técnica de Vehículos) testing. They should also have rear lights synchronized with the towing vehicle and carry ITV documents during transit.
  • UK: Large trailers similarly require registration, insurance, and adherence to safety standards, although the testing process and documentation specifics may differ.

Towing Regulations: Spain and the UK have their own rules regarding towing practices.

  • Spain: Towing another vehicle, even using an A-frame, is prohibited. In case of a breakdown, a “grua” (tow truck) must be called for vehicle recovery. Towing a car is only permissible if it’s on an approved trailer.
  • UK: Regulations surrounding towing are also stringent, with specific requirements for equipment and towing capacities. While A-frames are not outlawed, they must comply with established safety standards.

Additional Considerations: Regardless of location, certain safety measures remain universal.

  • Visibility: Clear visibility of the road, including through mirrors, is crucial, with restrictions on obstructing views.
  • Number Plates: All number plates must adhere to official standards, prohibiting makeshift alternatives like handwritten cardboard plates.
  • Fire Safety: Carrying a fire extinguisher in the towing vehicle is mandatory in many jurisdictions, ensuring readiness for emergencies.

Understanding the differences between trailer regulations in Spain and the UK is vital for safe and compliant towing practices. Whether it’s insurance requirements, ITV testing, or towing protocols, adherence to local regulations is paramount for hassle-free journeys.

As always at Sam Campbell Insurance, if you are ever in doubt about any insurance matters we are always available to help.  Please contact us below.

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